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Suzhou Blue Valley Purification Technology Co., Ltd
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Add:159 Binhe North Road, Jinjiaba, Lili Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City

From which to buy air purifier

Source:http://www.szffu.cnRelease time:2017-07-28Views:

Filter screen
Many people understand the air purifier know that the filter for the air purifier in the end how important it is a direct impact on its purification effect of one of the key components. Why is it so? Because most of the air purifiers are now used in the passive adsorption filter type of purification, is the original air (without the purifier of the air) with a fan into the machine, through the built-in filter Filter the air, and then filter the filtered air. Therefore, the importance of the filter for the air purifier is self-evident, only a good enough filter, in the process of air purification of pollutants to remove more thoroughly, that is, the effect of purification is better. Now the mainstream filter is HEPA filter, the international standard by H classification, the higher the number of the higher the grade the better the effect. The general use of the air purifier is H9, H10 level, high-end products may be used H12 level, only a very small number of products used H13 level.

Air volume
Also mentioned earlier, the current air purifier is the fan to the air into the machine and then through the filter for purification, then in addition to the filter there is an important component is the fan, and the use of the fan for the air purifier The effect of the effect is mainly to see the size of its air volume. Air volume, the amount of air into the natural large, the amount of clean air output on the natural, purification efficiency is even higher.

3. Purification method
In fact, in addition to the passive air purification methods, as well as active purification methods, the current market purification of sterilization factor technology mainly silver ion technology, negative ion technology, low temperature plasma technology, photocatalyst technology and clean ion group ion technology, the The biggest defect in the product is the problem of excessive ozone release.

4. No secondary pollution
Just mentioned, in the use of active purification method will produce ozone, there are some due to improper use or added a humidification of the air purifier may breed bacteria, and some filter can not effectively break down and clean up the pollution Materials, etc., likely to cause secondary pollution. Therefore, in determining the air purifier which need to pay attention to whether it will have a secondary pollution situation. Of course, the technology is more mature air purifier generally have the means to solve these problems, although also have the function of the release of negative ions, but it will not only produce ozone, but also purification of ozone, and also deodorant deodorant and so on.